Ranked among the Top 10 most research productive departments per capita in the world.
Read more about the TAMUGA ranking.
PhD Coordinator: Alexandra Rheinhardt-Beer,
The UConn Management and Entrepreneurship Ph.D. Program has two broad areas of emphasis: organizational behavior and strategic management. Our doctoral program trains students to become leading scholars at the world's top research universities.
Organizational Behavior
Research on organizational behavior examines individuals and teams in complex social systems (organizations). Research topics explored include individual differences, motivation, leadership, team dynamics, attitudes, decision making, creativity, performance, and the management of people through staffing, socialization, performance management, and employee relations.
Strategic Management
Research on strategic management examines how firms formulate and implement strategies that are compatible with the external environment, and analyzes the performance outcomes associated with these decisions. Research topics include entrepreneurship, innovation, technology management, corporate strategy, institutions, top management teams, and investment horizons. *Please note: the management department is not accepting Strategy applications for Fall 2025 admission.
Greg Reilly; Department Head & Interim Dean
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
Research topics
- Teams in organizations
- Empowerment and empowering leadership
- Social networks
- Multi-level theory
- Strategic entrepreneurship
- Corporate alliance and networks
- Learning processes
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Creativity and innovation
- Strategic human resource management
- International expansion
- Long-term decision making
The Management and Entrepreneurship department produces high quality scholars who have had very successful academic careers in tenure-track positions at top universities. UConn Management PhD graduates have accepted faculty positions at American University, Arizona State, Bentley, Colorado State, Clemson, Drexel, Fordham, Northeastern, Penn State, Oregon State, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Rutgers, University of Hartford, Iowa, Kentucky, Southern California, and University of Texas-El Paso.
The Management and Entrepreneurship PhD Program is an in-residence program located at the University of Connecticut's main campus in Storrs, Connecticut. New York City and Boston are each within a short drive.
Our management faculty is a distinguished body of scholars who all publish extensively and have been recognized nationally and internationally for their accomplishments. TAMUGA Rankings track productivity in the eight top-tier Journals in Management. UConn Management Department faculty have tied for 17th in the United States (based on 5-year analysis of all private and public universities). Many hold leadership positions in professional organizations and serve in editorial positions for leading management journals.
A major reason for the success of our students is that they become actively involved in research with our faculty and publish in the best management journals prior to graduation.
Program graduates have earned national recognition for their research contributions. For example, Semin Park '19 Ph.D. received the "Lee Hakel Award" in support of dissertation proposals from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP); Margaret Luciano '15 Ph.D. won Best Dissertation Awards from INGRoup, SIOP, and the Academy of Management; and David Baldridge '01 Ph.D. was awarded the Citations of Excellence "Top Fifty" by Emerald Management Reviews and the Dorothy Harlow Best Paper Award from the Academy of Management. More information on student publications, awards, and accolades can be found at https://management.business.uconn.edu/research/.
Management and Entrepreneurship Ph.D. Faculty
Qing Cao
Associate Professor of Management
PhD, University of Maryland
Research Interests: strategic entrepreneurship, managerial social capital, inter-organizational partnerships,
management in transition economies
Ryan Coles
Assistant Professor of Management
Research Interests: entrepreneurship, technology commercialization, innovation, internationalization
Timothy Folta
Professor of Management
Faculty Director, CCEI
Thomas John and Bette Wolff Family Chair in Strategic Entrepreneurship
PhD, Purdue University
Research Interests: entrepreneurship, innovation policy, corporate strategy and diversification, market entry and exit, managing uncertainty
Travis Grosser
Associate Professor of Management and Interim Department Head
PhD, University of Kentucky
Research Interests: intra-organizational social networks, employee creativity and innovation implementation, negative workplace relationships, predictors of employee attachment and turnover
Nora Madjar
Associate Professor of Management
PhD, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
Research Interests: social context for creativity at work, job design and the creative process, gender, negotiations
and creativity
John Mathieu
Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor
Friar Chair in Leadership & Teams
PhD, Old Dominion University
Research Interests: training, teamwork, leadership, organizational behavior,
multi-level theories, designs, and analyses
Keith Pennington
Assistant Professor of Management
PhD, University of Minnesota
Research Interests: innovation and entrepreneurship
Jo (Kyoungjo) Oh
Assistant Professor of Management
Interim Academic Director, Graduate Programs in Human Resource Management
PhD, Michigan State University
Research Interests: mistreatment in the workplace, affect, and workgroups
Evan Rawley
Associate Professor of Management
PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Research Interests: corporate strategy, entrepreneurship
Greg Reilly
Professor of Management and Interim Dean; School of Business
PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Research Interests: strategic human resource management, executive compensation, time horizon in strategic management, management teams
Alexandra Rheinhardt
Assistant Professor of Management and PhD Coordinator
PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Research Interests: identity, leadership, social movements, organizational change
Quick Facts Management and Entrepreneurship
Program Entry
Length of Program
4-5 years
Number of Alumni
Research University Placement (past 5 years)
American University, Ball State University, University of Iowa, The University of Texas at El Paso
Percentage of Women
Competitive Graduate Assistantships
Tuition Waiver, Stipend, Subsidized Health Insurance
Summer Fellowships
Conference Travel Support
Enrollment Profile for Management and Entrepreneurship (Fall 2023)
Total Applications
Total Enrolled
GMAT (3-year enrolled student average)
GRE Q (3-year enrolled student average)
Graduate GPA (3-year enrolled student average)
Undergraduate GPA (3-year enrolled student average)
Apply Online
Business PhD applications are accepted from September until the fall cohort is complete.